Do You Want To Make A Plantable Seed Paper?

Do You Want To Make A Plantable Seed Paper?

Even if you may not be very good at the craft, or lack any good talent in craftiness expertise, you can learn how to grow seed paper, which is a kind of paper, where you can embed seed into it.

If you place such paper on the soil and also water it, then it can also germinate and you can see its sprout seedling. This paper will end up getting decomposed and its seedlings will grow into a mature plant.

You can use such plantable paper and make an attractive birthday or wedding cards, irrespective of your craft skill. So, here in this article, we are going to tell you how can you make seed paper in your home too.

  1. Gather the paper, tear and put into a blender

First of all, collect large piles of recyclable paper. A few best sources for obtaining this paper can be a newspaper, tissue paper, egg cartons, phone book pages, unprinted computer papers, paper grocery bags, unpaid bills and traffic tickets.

After you have collected your paper, just tear and shred them into tiny pieces. Then grab the blender jar and then fill it almost half-full with these freshly torn paper pieces.

  1. Pour warm water and blend into a smooth pulp

Then pour little warm water over all the paper pieces in your blender jar. Keep on pouring water into blender jar until the jar is filled the blender up to its top line.

You will now turn this mushy mess into a fine pulp, just by turning on your blender at low speed for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds at this low setting, then increase the speed and continue for 30 seconds more.

There should not any paper flakes visible after this.

  1. Stir in Seed and Strain

After that, sprinkle one teaspoon flower seeds into mixture and then stir it. Just stir only but do not blend. It will be a good idea if you use a wildflower seed blend which is more adaptable to the type of climate when the seed paper is going to be planted.

After adding the seeds, now pour all the mixture into the strainer and try to get rid of all water. Use a spatula or spoon to press all the mixture against the strainer for squeezing all the water from the pulp.

  1. Spread pulp, flatten and dry

Now you have to lay out one piece of a microfiber towel, terry cloth or flannel on the flat surface. Then dump all the pulp onto this fabric and use one spatula or spoon to spread all the pulp over the fabric.

You may spread it in any shape that you like, but you must be sure that you must spread it as much thinly as possible to make sure that it will dry up quickly.

After spreading all the pulp, use any sponge for flattening the mixture and try to soak up any water if available. After drying the pulp on one side, then turn it over to allow your other side to get dry completely.

After both sides get dry, the seed paper then is ready for your use.

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